Dr. Sofia Santiago

Dr. Sofia Santiago is an award winning best selling author and expert on difficult conversations, communication and conflict management.  She is internationally known for her expertise as well as her outgoing and humorous style.
KEYNOTE:  Difficult Conversations – we all have to have them!
Would your life be better if you could . . .
*  Confront others without fear?
*  Set boundaries in healthy and assertive ways without damaging relationships?
*  Speak up and get what you want?
In this fast paced, interactive and engaging presentation you will learn how to:
* Communicate tactfully but firmly, so you will not be judged by others as too passive (weak) or too aggressive (pushy) but just right
*  Speak your mind without fear of hurting or losing a relationship
*  Lower their defenses so they won’t turn the tables on you
*  Create a script to guide you so you know exactly what to say and how to say it during a confrontation
*  Avoid critical mistakes
*  And more!
Dr. Sofia Santiago will give you the wording, clear instructions, tried-and-true advice, and handholding you need to feel confident before, during and after difficult conversations. After this presentation you will start getting more of what you deserve!